Local Artists Display Original Creations at 2024 Carnation Festival Fine Art Show


The Carnation Festival Fine Art Show is presented by the Wheat Ridge Art League that showcases its members artwork. The Fine Art Show will be located in the Anderson Building at Anderson Park, 4355 Field St.

The Fine Art Show hours are:
Friday - Aug 9th – 4:00pm until 8:45pm
Saturday - Aug 10th – Noon until 8:45pm
Sunday - Aug 11th – Noon until 4:00pm.

About 30 WR Art League members will be exhibiting their best pieces, which will include: paintings in watercolor; oil; acrylic; pastel; colored pencil; charcoal; and 3D pieces such as blown/fused glass, and ceramics. The vast majority of artwork will be for sale – many at affordable prices for beginning collectors as well as the seasoned connoisseur who cannot resist another acquisition.

The Fine Art Show this year will be more spectacular than ever, a great way to celebrate & support these talented local artists in the Wheat Ridge area. Last years’ attendees said the artwork presented was the best they have seen with a great variety, and the 2024 show promises to be the same with over 400 pieces being presented. The Carnation Festival Fine Art Show offers the public the opportunity to experience original artwork and interact with the local artists one-on-one in an exciting setting.

The Wheat Ridge Art League, organized in 1974, has more than 50 members, most hailing from Jefferson County. Artists pay a $35 annual membership fee. The purpose of the league, “To pursue the study of the arts, to encourage originality, and provide members with the opportunity to obtain public recognition.”

The 2024 Fine Art Show is honored to feature the esteemed Michael Gadlin as Juror for the artwork awards. Gadlin is a Denver-based visual artist, who has won numerous awards throughout his career. He holds the distinction of being the youngest artist ever to win the Best of Show at the popular Cherry Creek Arts Festival. Gadlin also boasts a career in television as host of Rocky Mountain PBS’ Arts District. He is the Executive Director of PlatteForum and is on the Board of Trustees for MCA Denver.”

The Juror awards help fulfill the League’s mission to offer its artists, from amateur to professional, the opportunity to earn recognition for their creativity. During the Fine Art Show, The public is invited to vote for ‘People’s Choice Award” by filling out a ballot after viewing the exhibition.

The Wheat Ridge Carnation Festival serves as the League’s exclusive art show. Other venues that WRAL members display their work during the year include:

Arvada Motor Vehicle Department at 6510 Wadsworth
Arvada Methodist Church 6750 Carr St,
Highlands Senior Center, 29th & Osceola, Denver
Holy Cross Lutheran Church 4500 Wadsworth Blvd-Room 1
Pietra's Pizzeria & Italian Restaurant 9045 W 44th Ave
West 29th Ave Restaurant & Bar - 5569 W29th Ave this year.
Wheat Ridge Chamber of Commerce-Visitor Center 7230 W 38th Ave
Wheat Ridge Active Adult Center 6363 W 35th Ave.

The WRAL regular meetings are 6:30pm on the second Tuesday of the month at the Wheat Ridge Center for Music & Arts, which is located at 7530 West 38th Ave in Wheat Ridge (the United Methodist Church). Each meeting generally includes a demonstration from a local area artist. Anyone interested in joining the League, are encouraged to visit with us at a regular meeting.

For other membership information you may email us at contactwral@gmail.com, visit our FaceBook Page, or Instagram, using Wheat Ridge Art League. The Co-Chairs for the 2024 Fine Art Show at the Carnation Festival are: Paula Weisz and Mickey LaFave.

Wheat Ridge Art League highlights the talents of local artists and is open to the public for free.

Artist: Jenny Bolinger

Title: A-Basin
Artist: Theresa Joyce
Best In Show 2023